Friday, September 19, 2008

Parent Prayers

Is there an exhaustive prayer list of things that we should ask of God for our children?

When Pineapple was in utero, I just had one prayer. A healthy baby. He answered that one.

With Mango on the way, my daily list is up to at least five items. Every day I would like to add more, but I don't because... ... ... would the list ever end? Could I ever stop asking God for blessings for my children? Of course not. But I think you could probably come up with "The Top 5." Here are mine.

1. Saved

2. A Saved Spouse
3. Healthy
4. Good Choices
5. A Contributing Member of Society

Strangely, I have recently added "Loves their siblings." Inexplicably, it just suddenly occurred to me one day. It must have something to do with lots of conflict with my brother as a youth, and a great relationship with him now.

The list goes on.

What are your top 5?


Anonymous said...

Likes to take care of old people

Colleen said...

anonymous is funny :)

Ron and Barbara said...

Will be blessed with:
Good health
Loving committed parents
Early relationship with a personal God
Brown or blue eyes :)
Conservative tendencies

Ron and Barbara said...

I will pray for :
Godly friends who will encourage and lift up Mango
A love for God's word
A desire to please God
A servant's heart
God's boldness to share her testimony with others

Anonymous said...

A love for God's word
Wisdom for their parents
A Godly mentor for their teenage years
A servant's heart
Excited to be an alien

Anonymous said...

hey there
will be joining you in prayers for yours

love God with all their heart
neighbor as themselves

carrie from hope :)

Theo said...

Hi Carrie, thanks for playing!

Colleen said...

1. To know absolutely that they are loved
2. The right kind of limits
3. Freedom to become who they will and make good decisions
4. To become a believer in Jesus and call him friend
5. Wisdom and patience for their parents that will enable them to reveal God to their children